Timeline: June - September 2022


Team and Roles

UX Researcher: Karen Nieto

UX Designer: Esther Liu

Web Builders: Don Le & Jessica Liu

Mentors: Heidi Hernandez, Shaira Tuazon, & Bart Van de Vel

Due to personal circumstances, our visual designer, Hanyi Wang, was unable to complete the project but contributed to our early logo iterations and stylistic choices.

<aside> <img src="/icons/friends_pink.svg" alt="/icons/friends_pink.svg" width="40px" /> While we all spearheaded our assigned roles, the four of us closely worked together to make design decisions, conduct usability tests and analyses, and create both desktop and mobile prototypes.


About Girls Rising

Girls Rising is a non-profit organization in San Diego that provides mentorship and career readiness support to girls and young women. Their services include a Mentorship Program for girls ages 8-17, focusing on personal development and mentorship, and a Women Emerging Program for young women ages 18-24, focusing on career growth. Over the last ten years, Girls Rising has served over 400 historically underserved young women.


  1. Redesign website to improve information architecture and target their key demographic
  2. Redesign logo and branding to more accurately reflect Girls Rising’s core mission
  3. Increase donors, participants, and overall community engagement

Problem Statement

<aside> <img src="/icons/search_pink.svg" alt="/icons/search_pink.svg" width="40px" /> How might we improve website navigation, make site content more digestible, and revamp Girls Rising’s branding to make the site more appealing to potential donors, mentors, and mentee recommenders?


User Research & Insights

Interviews & Survey

We conducted 7 interviews and distributed a survey to 25 people to probe what the user experience was like. We created affinity diagrams to make it easier to identify trends in responses.


Key Insights

All 7 interviewees ****and 9 out of 25 survey respondents ****found that the navigation bar was too disorganized, particularly because the majority of the pages were grouped under a “More” tab

4 out of 7 interviewees and 5 out of 25 survey respondents expressed disapproval of the color scheme, stating that it looked dull, corporate, and off-brand

4 out of 7 interviewees appreciated the images across the site, noting that it helped them “quickly know what it’s about”

4 out of 7 interviewees and 4 out of 25 survey respondents were overwhelmed by the large blocks of text on the site

4 out of 7 interviewees stated that they would have liked to see images of the Girls Rising team members


Competitive Analysis

We compared features across competitors who share a common goal of empowering and uplifting girls and young women. This helped us recognize areas for improvement and gain inspiration from what other nonprofits have done. We created a slide deck analyzing how each website compares in more detail.

Website Opportunities

🌟 Create a logo for Girls Rising that resonates with their audience

🌟 Communicate who Girls Rising is at the top of the homepage

🌟 Develop a strong visual identity by creating a color palette and visuals unique to Girls Rising

🌟 Organize the navigation bar by grouping together similar pages

🌟 Have clear and visible call-to-action buttons across the site

🌟 Include written testimonials and links to social media
